Woohoo! Fake Fashion!

I am a hoarder. In my defense, I don't hoard garbage or cats or porcelin figures of Jesus... I hoard things that make me feel creative. My "sewing room" is full of fabric, findings, old clothing, stripwear I've yet to sell, notebooks, magazines, books on a variety of subjects, different papers, my cameras, a couple rolls of wallpaper, and a few boxes with totally random things like mini playing cards and lanyards. If I find something intriguing at a thrift store or garage sale, I will get it and put it in my "model closet" for possible future use (bottom two dresses). I will also get high and make other intriguing pieces of clothing (top two dresses). I'd rather use something totally off the wall for a photo shoot than something everyone has or can identify where it was bought.


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