My "Arrestment"

Amy- one of my fellow law-breakers
So I was arrested yesterday, along with my model Amy and her sister... all in the pursuit of art. We were shooting at an old, condemned mill in town and apparently we overstayed our welcome. A train went by, saw us, and called the cops and the owner of the building. There were at least 4 squad cars, 8 cops and a K9 unit. We walked out of the building to the sight of two officers... then the rest started running out from all corners of the property. We hadn't heard any of them! The three of us were cuffed, put in separate cars and brought to jail where we were fingerprinted, asked a million questions, had mug shots taken (without the little sign which actually would have been funny), and then we got to sit in jail. Luckily my fiance bailed us out but we all have court Monday. Now, in typical trespassing cases, they give you a warning, especially if all of you are upstanding citizens (the worst we had were traffic tickets)... but the owner of this particular building insisted we were charged with criminal trespassing which got us the free ride 2 blocks over. I have to say, the other two took it much better than I did. They did let me keep the pictures, thank god. I had 350 or so taken. Fortunately, the cops never mirandized any of us when we were cuffed so we may have a fighting chance.
Note to self: contact the city and find out what land is public and what is private so I have no more fiascos with the Lockport police... or just go somewhere the cops don't care.


Unknown said...

OMG! Sarah I know you don't know me yet, but I'm on Model Mayhem as Photo's by Onyx Mayhem #1286993. I followed your blog here from the shoot you did with Amy. I do things like this all the time, but never have I gotten arrested or had the cops called on me. I'm so sorry that happened to you, but it does make you think where you can or can't shoot without trouble. I would hope most people would be cool enough to just ask you to leave. This would have scared the crap out of me, and the models would probably never work with me again, but it sounds like you guys are troopers. I'm always looking to meet new photographers so look me up.

Best of luck

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