Yay for nice weather!

I say "yay" too often.
I went exploring yesterday. We have locks (hence, "Lockport") so I went there and took some pictures. There weren't railings galore and such to keep people out which surprised me. I could literally climb to the floor of the canal if I wanted. I had my dog with me and he doesn't do much climbing so we stayed to the walkways. Then I went to this really rundown building I found a while back. Come to find out, it was some sort of motorcycle factory and is now condemned which makes it a perfect hangout for local kids. This railway is right next to the building and if one so chose to, one could climb/fall all the way down to the running part of the canal. I'm used to dangerous things being highly restricted so finding two places to bring models in one day was awesome. I didn't make it in the building because of my dog but there were many easy ways to do so. Then again, I didn't try them... but they looked easy enough.

How is it almost April?

My fiance, Jon, and his new best friend Nina
Jon turns 30 on Thursday; 29 hit him harder.

boo on rain

Another shot from walking near the canal.

Monday Night Figure Drawing

Just got back from the figure drawing thing I model for... only two artists tonight so we half-assed it. We talked about the relationship between mental illness and art. I fully believe every good artist has some degree of mental defect. It enables us to see the world differently than the masses. We see beauty in ugliness, character in mundanity, and evoke emotion with everyday things. Now I'm definately not saying we're all psychotic or anything but we are a little off.

I'm not modelling for the class for a few weeks but the organizer offerred to let me come to draw without paying the fee. I think I'm going to take her up on that offer, I like it there. I haven't done much (if anything) since I've been out of school either.

I Heart Sun

Had the day off so I took my dog for a walk along the canal in town. I've been along other parts of the canal (Port Leyden, Brockport) but not here. Poor Sam is exhausted; I took a mini nap after too, I can't lie. Not to many people out when I went but school wasn't out yet. Got some good shots though. Gotta explore further but bring food next time! Jon's got next week off so maybe I'll drag him with me too.

Sunshine and Coffee

So I modeled for a figure drawing seminar last night; it was really fun to be around art people again. It was a small group but all 4 of them were cool; each had a different skill level. These are from one of the guys... he's really gestural and expressive which I love. I brought my dog and he posed with me a few times too. I get to go again next Monday!

Today, I am off to explore with my fiance. He's actually got the day off.

Somewhere In Boston

So excited for warmer weather! Can't wait to get out and explore!

Preliminary Drawing

One More Day

I wish I could remember the name of the artist who inspired this series...
I've rediscovered my love of 90s country music (think diamond rio, garth brooks, toby keith before the patriotism, george strait, collin raye, brooks & dunn, etc) and its nice. I feel homey and happy(ish). It makes me forget the envy I have for those who can drop life and go cavorting over the land, at least for a moment. I feel as if all I've done since high school is drift along and not really have a say in my life. I went to a college I hated; lost friends every year; moved and moved and moved but not where I wanted to really be; took jobs to pay the bills but not as a step towards something. It might help if I knew what that something is. I've been living one day at a time without the living part.; letting life wash over me and not swimming in it. I need to work on that.

No Models

So the models didn't show up today but that left me some time and ambition to photograph my artwork... at least half-assedly lol
This is a final from the damned gnome series. My professor had an obsession with them so I was bombarded with them in the studio. I really like how the close-up came out... looks like a straight photo rather than a photo of a piece of art. I really need to get into it again but then that means cleaning up afterwards which is the worst. I am completely messy when I do work.
I have a nagging feeling that I'm missing at least one final piece from my last semester but who knows... could be hiding around here somewhere.
So now I'm off to find the missing parts to my external and get that working.

No Words Today

Yeah, I really need to take time to photograph these properly.

I Make Postcards

I found my external but only half the power cord... which leaves the other half and the usb adapter still out there somewhere. Oye, I need to stop putting things where I think I'll find them.

Hopefully have a model coming Tuesday so there will be more pics... I did photograph my mom's doll clothes collection so once those are edited I'll have those.

Lastly, YAY for sunshine!

Yay for clean floors!

Finally found the floor and vacuumed it!


Spent most of yesterday evening scanning my postcards into my computer. I make them btw.
Also managed to find the floor of this room but still no external hard drive.

Preliminary Drawing


Melissa in Poladroid
So I fell down my stairs yesterday, and I think I injured my gluteous maximus... or is it minimus? Whatever muscle is at the top of my ass. I couldn't sit or lay down without a bag of frozen veggies all day yesterday. Today it is a little better but still hurts like a mofo. No repercussions from the cup of raspberry lemonade I snorted in the fall, thankfully.