South Lewis
So I realized this morning that I have no pictures of the school and people I spent most of my life with. My house burned down when I was in 10th grade, taking all that with it. I have nothing left of South Lewis except fuzzy memories. I remember there were 2 Sara Kragers and I think 2 Amanda Browns? I remember my 3 muskateers: BJ, John, and Mark. John was the first guy to see me naked and probably my first boyfriend. BJ was the first boyfriend I remember though. I remember that damn musical where there were 5 cast members and 30 chorus, which was where I was. I remember staying after just to roam the halls. Then there was that day outside the front of the school where Toma tried to be taller than I was and Reannon thought we were going to kiss. I remember the bars on the playground in elementary where I would freak out the guys. That's also where Megan broke her wrist and that creepy retarded kid chased me around. In middle school we had a March Madness reading contest that I spent every waking moment contributing to. Ah, my favorite pick up line from some guy I'd been in class with for 3 years: Hey, I haven't talked to you yet. Which brings up studyhall with Chris and Jared... I kept that folder with the pony porn picture on it. I wonder if Port Leyden still has those orange feet leading around the building. I have no idea where they had been going.
South Lewis is the school I have the most connection to. I think I can still name every one of my classmates. I only went to Watertown to get out of my dad's house. I feel bad I haven't kept in touch with people who are this significant in my life but I worry that they won't remember me. That might be my greatest fear in life, to leave no mark on the people I meet.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
BJ Ripp,
John Teal,
Mark McDonald,
Megan Young,
Port Leyden Elementary,
Reanon Gallogly,
South Lewis,
Toma Olmstead
Yech, snow again
So, I hate living in NY. I should be in North Carolina in semi-warmth but instead I followed love. Love found me at a young age (19) and I can't decide if I should be cautious or ignore my apprehension and be happy. I had plans that I gave up that I probably never would have carried out anyway. With a month left in our lease, he gets a promotion which would keep us in upstate NY for another couple of years. We had a place in NC, booked the moving truck and everything... but we gave it up so he could further his career. There are so many things I've gained from him though, too much to list.
I wish I were a Sample (the girls above), unafraid of living, willing to drop everything and move on. I idolize those two; and as embarrased as I am to say, I have an obsession with them. To me, they are perfect. Tall, gorgeous, models, one is a talented photographer, both are well-travelled, crazy, intelligent, driven, strong-willed, surrounded by awesomeness even in times of seeming dispair. As desparate as it seems, if one of them contacted me and invited me to join her in her life, I think I would drop everything and go. I know that won't happen, I don't think either one had that significant connection with me when we knew each other. I wish they knew how they changed my life, each in their own way. I love them as family.
So, I've finally finished editing the shots of Rachel and I have to say, it went great. I have sooo many shots I can use. I think I liked 75% of what came out which is almost obscene! I might have another girl coming tomorrow but she never confirmed so we'll see... I'll be here lol.
I also finished Tess Gerritsen's Gravity which I've been trying to get through forever now. I love her writing but this book was about space travel and shit which is not one of my interests. It was too good to not read but not good enough to read in one day. Hopefully my next choice is better.
Day 2 of this
So today we did some spring cleaning at work which means I got to bring home some products that I didn't steal! I'm such a klepto.
Still editing pictures of Melissa, the model from yesterday. Took a ton of them. I have another girl coming on Friday and hopefully she's less nervous than Melissa was. First shoots are always awkward, each person trying to impress the other and not being themselves but hopefuly these will evolve into deeper relationships where the chemistry can flow.
Time to go back to MM and see who else I can drag up.
An Intro On Me!
Well, most people alive have blogs so I thought I'd become a lemming and see what the fuss is all about.
I am an artist, photographer, seamstress, hairdresser, music addict, crafter, tv junkie, animal lover, and about a hundred more things as the days pass.
I start more things than I finish.
I love bright, saturated colors.
I procrastinate all the time.
I long to be a free spirit but know I'm not.
The amount of photographs I take is directly proportional to the number of friends I have at the time.
I am addicted to bakery goodies.
I can't cook.
I'm quite odd but most people don't know it right away.
I'd love to live with someone who could model, I know we'd create great shit.